✿* .:Tm:. Creation - "The Ship's Wheel" *✿
Nautical beach decoration with ship's wheel, ropes, starfishes, clamshells.
100% Mesh
Land impact 4 - Approx. sizes diameter meters 2.15 - You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish)
*n.2 Starfishes trio (1 is clear you can change colours) - LI 1 sizes m. 1.4 width x 0.7 height each trio
*n. 2 Flag starfish: LI 0.5 each size 1m
Permission: Copy | Modify | No Transfer
Available in UniK Event (Open 7th 1PM SLT to 28th January, 2021) . In .:Tm:.Creation store, after event