* .:Tm:. Creation - "Snuggle in the snowy trees" *
Winter scene with snowy trees, blanket, pillows, ropes, lights, lamp (with flame effect), grass, animations for 2 persons (PG or Adult version).
Land Impact: 17
Approx. sizes: meters 6.3 wide x 2.8 deep x 4 tall
*Decor: tray with set drinks, pine cones, pine leaves: Land impact 3
100% Mesh
Permission Copy/Mod/No Transf
You can unlink all the pieces and use them as you wish
No Poseball - No static poses - Scene Sequence play up to 8 mins of scene (looping x each) - Bento animations included.
*PG version 2 persons sit with 286 loop anims: 91 PG couple poses - 8 PG Scene - 104 Solo Single F/M anims.
*ADULT version 2 persons sit with 378 loop anims: 91 PG + 46 ADULT couple poses - 8 PG + 5 ADULT Scene - 104 Solo Single F/M anims.
Jail Event (Open 10th at 01:00 pm SLT to 30th, November 2020)